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Previous Research by ARCS Founders


ARCS founders have extensive understanding of fisheries biology and have produced many scientific peer-reviewed articles and journals, and have been featured in numerous newspaper articles. 

Scientific articles

Journal articles and Reports

Newspaper and magazine articles

Seitz, J.C., and J.D. Waters. 2020. "Did the five-meter-long Largetooth Sawfish that hangs from the rafters at the University of Iowa once swim in Louisiana waters?". American Currents 45(4):17-22.

G.R. Poulakis, P.W. Stevens, A.A. Timmers-Waters, C.J. Stafford, D.D. Chapman, K.A. Feldheim, M.R. Heupel, C. Curtis. 2016. "Long-term site fidelity of endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) from different mothers." Fish. Bull. 114:461-475.

F. L. Frédou, M. Tolotti, T. Frédou, F. Carvalho, H. Hazin, G. Burgess, R. Coelho, J. Waters, P. Travassos, and F. Hazin. 2015. “Sharks Caught by the Brazilian Tuna Longline Fleet: A Review.” Rev. Fish Biol. Fisheries 25(2):365-377.

J. D. Waters, R. Coelho, J. Fernandez-Carvalho, G. H. Burgess, G. R. Poulakis, A. A. Timmers-Waters, T. Wiley-Lescher, J. C. Seitz, and M. T. McDavitt. 2014. “Use of encounter data to model spatio-temporal distribution patterns of endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the western Atlantic.” Aq. Cons. Mar. Freshwater Ecosys. 24(6): 7760-776.

Poulakis, G.R., Stevens, P.W., Timmers-Waters, A.A., Wiley, T.R., and Simpfendorfer, C.A.  2011. "Abiotic affinities and spatiotemporal distribution of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in a south-western Florida nursery." Mar. Freshwater Res. 62(10): 1165-1177.

Poulakis, G.R., Stevens, P.W., Timmers-Waters, A.A, Stafford, C.J., Curtis, C., Tringali, M.S., and Bakenhaster, M.D.  2010. "Distribution, habitat use, and movements of juvenile smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system, Florida."

D. Nunes, F.H.V. Hazin, F. Carvalho, J.D. Waters, H. Hazin, P. Travassos, G.H. Burgess, and E. Córtes. In Review. “Survivorship of Pelagic Species in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean’s Tuna Longline Fishery.” 

F. Carvalho, R. Ahrens, D. Murie, J. M. Ponciano, A. Aires-da-Silv, M. Maunder, J. D. Waters, and F. H. V. Hazin. In Review. “Incorporating one-time changes in catchability in fisheries stock assessment models: an alternative approach applied to the blue shark (Prionace glauca) stock in the South Atlantic Ocean." 

F. Carvalho, R. Ahrens, D. Murie, J. M. Ponciano, A. Aires-da-Silv, M. Maunder, J. D. Waters, C. Da Silva, and F. H. V. Hazin. In Editing. “Assessing the status of blue shark (Prionace glauca) population in the South Atlantic Ocean using a statistical catch-at-age model." 

F. Carvalho, R. Ahrens, B. Mourato, A. Aires-da-Silva, M. Maunder, J. D. Waters, and F. Hazin. In Editing. “Incorporating Changes in Target Species in a Stock Assessment Model." 

F. Carvalho, D. Parkyn, D. Murie, R. Ahrens, C. Da Silva, W. M. West, S. E. Kerwath, C. G. Wilke, P. Travassos, M. Travassos, D. Martins, Y. Papastimotiou, J. D. Waters, A. Aires-da-Silva, M. Maunder, H. Hazin, S. Montealegre, and F. Hazin. In Editing. “Habitat selection and trans-oceanic migration by blue sharks in the South Atlantic Ocean and its implications for management."

Waters, J.D., and Orbach, M.K. 2010. “A preliminary investigation of smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) at-sea processing techniques.” Pew Charitable Trusts.


J.D. Waters. 2010. “The Biology and Socio-political Culture of the Spiny Dogfish Fishery in North Carolina.” Master’s Thesis, Duke University.

Burgess, G.H., J.D. Waters, and C. Bester. 2011. “Integration, Maintenance and Growth of the National Sawfish Encounter Database: Final Report.”

Poulakis, G.R., Stevens, P.W., Timmers-Waters, A.A, Stafford, C.J., Curtis, C., Tringali, M.S.,  and Bakenhaster, M.D.  2010. "Distribution, habitat use, and movements of juvenile smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system, Florida.” Final Report to the National Marine Fisheries Service for Award NA06NMF4720032. 84 pp.

Timmers-Waters, A. 2011.   Fish and Wildlife Research Institute - 2010 Five-year Summary Report on Sawfish Research in the Charlotte Harbor Estuarine System. 

Killer, E. (2011, June 3). “St. Lucie County sawfish found dead.” TC Palm.


Winchester, D. (2011, February 2). “Resident spots rare smalltooth sawfish in Cape Coral canal.” Cape Coral Daily Breeze.


Lollar, K. (2010, October 6).  “Smalltooth sawfish are in short supply.”  The Charlotte Sun Herald, pp. B1, B2.


Reilly, S.  (2010, March 22).  “More women choosing science, math careers.”  The Charlotte Sun Herald, pp. P1, P4.


Reilly, S. (2010, January 26).  “Sawfish coming to Lemon Bay Conservancy.”  The Charlotte Sun Herald.


Timmers-Waters, A. (2010, Summer).  “Learning More About the Smalltooth Sawfish.”  Lemon Bay Conservancy, pp. 3, 4.


Timmers-Waters, A. (2010, Fall).  “Little is known about endangered smalltooth sawfish.”  Harbor Happenings, pp. 6, 7.

ARCS. 2022. "Marine Life at the Wreck Site." RMS Titanic : The True Story, pp. 79.

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